#100 Days of Code

                   This is a summary at my first attempt at 100 Days of Code.

Day 17-18 of 100.....
I finished my basics in Applied visual design -I got started on the basics of Applied accessibility and JS(syntax)

Day 19 of 100... Finished off Applied accessibility today .I did CSS flex box...half way through with CSS grids.
Day 19 of 100 ... I continued with JS basics...but I am struggling with escaping literal quotes in strings...
About to start my Winnie Mandela tribute page using html and a bit of css on codepen....looking forward to my first project

DAY20-21of100 #100DaysofCode Finally done with the tribute page.

Day 22 of 100 I got the grasshopper game to help me remember JS basics better.Here is a link if you want to play.


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