Phase 2.

 My laptop did not want to light today and I thought that it was the end of the road for my laptop but luckily she is holding on. Today is day 4 of the second phase of my Java Journey. The main concern would be to get through the 365 day challenge of learning Java. There is a course on google that will help with the basics of Java that I would like to try.

Today what happened was that I had to google how to add a class onto my code using NetbeansI will be doing a 4 hour tutorial by Amigoscode .I will be brushing up on my basics for a second time. I think this year taking a more structured approach with Java will be rewarding. The scary reality that I might be facing is that I might not be able to afford the SE8 certification until the late part of the year. I am still on the lookout for portfolio ideas


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